Our biggest little boy, C, moved into his big boy room a few months before our littlest lady, Q, arrived. We began planning his room with a baseball theme, particularly the Detroit Tigers. My first thought was to go vintage baseball, I found amazing bedding etc. but of course it broke the bank. So we marched forward with just the general theme. Picking paint colors and painting and then...... not much happened. Q came, and still not too much changed. We finally decided on furniture, which is really basic but meets our needs, finding a great deal from the big box super store of lovely
Walmart. I lucked into awesome bedding at
TJ Maxx on clearance, navy white and bright orange strips, sounds like the Tigers to me! This also worked great because I didn't want to get too literal with the theme with baseballs and the same old team logo garb everywhere, so my find was quite perfect. It was also VERY budget friendly at a mere $25 bones for the comforter and sham! SCORE!!!!

My initial plan to finish the room was to buy some baseball pennants a few vintage feeling ones and a few more graphic and modern. I love ordering things online but I just couldn't pull the trigger. This is most likely for two reasons, I am cheap and ordering online is a final purchase. Returning is too much of a hassle for me. So from Christmas (his bed was a gift) until now, nothing much changed. MAJOR inspiration hit and I changed directions thanks to an awesome birthday banner purchased for C's 2nd bday bash. The banner included stickers with all 30 of the major league baseball team logos! This seemed like fate to me! So for the $5.99 banner we also got some awesome art out of the deal!

I bought 12x12 unfinished frames and card stock from
Hobby Lobby (love that store). I tried white paint first and did not love, so I used the same gray paint we used for majority of the walls in C's room. This works perfectly because we hung the frames on the navy accent wall. The project cost approx $30!! The frames and baseball logo art really complete the room, it's unique, fun and incorporates the theme without being too generic!

Sometimes it takes just ONE great FIND to pull it all together!
Whoot to the WOOOOOO!!!
That's my Shiny -
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